
Card payments can also be identified as PAYIN and PAYOUT.

  • PAYIN: it's when a card payment has been made successfully.
  • PAYOUT: it's when a card payment has been refunded successfully.
  • CARD RESERVATION: this transaction will be shown when a card reservation has been made in order to assure the funds for the merchant before the payment has been made. In this case, if the bank provider confirms the funds, the amount can be reserved until the card payment is finally approved. Once the card payment is approved and done, the card reservation will change to PAYIN, and the amount will finally be taken from the account. In this case, once the card reservation is done, the reserved amount will be taken from the available balance. However, the current balance will still contain this amount. Once the reservation is finally taken out and the payment is done, the amount will also be taken from the current balance. Finally, if the reserved amount is rejected, the amount will be available and visible again in the current balance.

These transaction types could be consulted from the Establishing a card programme section in SME, CONSUMER, and the Admin portal. These transactions will also be reflected on the corresponding account on which the amount has been charged or refunded.