User management and security email types

User management and security email types


The email type is used to send a security code via email to users who have forgotten their existing security code and clicked on Forgot Security Code link in the Profile Settings.

Recipient: Merchant user


subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification.
companyName: The name of the company associated with the user's profile.
linkUrl: The URL that directs users to the page where they can create a new security code.

The email type is used to send confirmation emails to users who have changed their own security code via Profile Settings.

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their security code confirmation.
companyName: The name of the company associated with the user's account.

The email type is used to notify users when they have reached three consecutive incorrect security code attempts.

Recipient: Merchant user

customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their failed security code attempts.
dateTime: The date and time at which the three failed security code attempts occurred.
newSecCodeLink: The URL that directs users to the page where they can request a new security code, ensuring they can update their account security.
newPasswordLink: The URL that directs users to the page where they can update their credentials, in case they have also forgotten their password.


The email type is used to notify users when their account has been blocked due to multiple consecutive incorrect security code attempts.

Recipient: Merchant user

customer: The name of the customer platfrom associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their account being blocked.

customerName: The name of the customer associated with the user's profile.

The email type is used to send a password recovery email from the admin portal to users whose accounts have been blocked due to multiple incorrect security code attempts. The email will be triggered when admin user unblocks this user in the admin portal.

Recipient: Merchant user

customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their password reset.
companyName: The name of the company associated with the user's profile.
linkUrl: The URL that directs users to the page where they can create a new password, ensuring they can regain access to their blocked account.

customerName: The name of the customer associated with the user's profile.

The email type is used to send an informative email to users when their blocked account has been unblocked by an administrator due to multiple incorrect security code attempts.

Recipient: Merchant user
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their account being unblocked.
companyName: The name of the company associated with the user's profile.
newSecCodeUrl: The URL that directs users to the page where they can create a new security code, ensuring they can maintain their account security.
newPasswordUrl: The URL that directs users to the page where they can update their password, providing an additional layer of security.

The email type is used to inform director users when a user has been deactivated within their merchant account. This email serves as an essential notification, ensuring that directors are aware of changes in user access and account status. The email is triggered when the user deletes their own profile via profile settings.

Recipient: Director user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
directorName: The name of the director receiving the email notification.
userName: The name of the deactivated user being informed about in the email.
companyName: The name of the company associated with the user's profile.

mailSupport: The email address for support, which can be included in the email as a resource for further assistance.
phoneSupport: The phone number for support, providing an additional resource for users to seek assistance if needed.

The email type is used to send an email notification to a deleted user, informing them that their account has been removed from the platform. The email is triggered when the user deletes their own profile via profile settings.

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
userName: The name of the deleted end-user receiving the email notification.

mailSupport: The email address for support, which can be included in the email as a resource for further assistance.
phoneSupport: The phone number for support, providing an additional resource for users to seek assistance if needed.

The email type is used to send an access recovery email from the Admin portal to users who have been blocked as a result of entering a wrong OTP.

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification.

linkUrl: The URL that directs users to the login page, where they can access their profile and regain account access.


The email type is used to notify users that their account has been blocked due to multiple failed One-Time Password (OTP) attempts.

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their blocked account.


The email type is used to send a warning email to users who have entered an incorrect One-Time Password (OTP).

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their OTP warning.
date: The date and time when the failed OTP attempts occurred.

The email type is used to send a warning email to users who have experienced multiple failed login attempts due to incorrect passwords in the SME web and app portals.

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their password warning.
dateTime: The date and time when the failed login attempts occurred.
linkUrl: The URL that directs users to the page where they can create a new password, ensuring they can regain account access and maintain security.


The email type is used to send a notification to users when their account has been blocked due to multiple failed login attempts in the SME web and app portals

Recipient: Merchant user

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
customer: The name of the customer associated with the user
name: The name of the user receiving the email notification about their blocked account and the requirement to reset their password.