Configure Dynamic Account Button

In certain cases your solution may require a merchant user to perform a certain action related to a particular account. For example, see a particular account related information arranged in a custom way. It can be achieved via a dynamic action button on an account page linked to a custom workflows application.

To achieve this, the provider integration connector needs to pass the necessary dynamic button parameters, including the button text and the workflows application URL. When clicked, the button will pass the account ID through the URL, allowing your workflows application logic to identify the relevant account associated with the button.

The Create Dynamic Account Button Configuration endpoint is responsible for providing the logic related to displaying an action button for a specific account. You are also able to get the buttons configuration details via Get Dynamic Account Button Configuration, update your existing configuration via Update Dynamic Account Button Configuration and delete your existing configuration via Delete Dynamic Account Button Configuration.

Path Params you will need:
customerId (Path Variable): The ID of the customer.
marketplaceKey (Path Variable): The marketplace key of the app to which the account page belongs to

Body Params you will need:
marketplaceKey(string), obligatory: The marketplace key of your custom app. Using this key the button will redirect to the required workflow app.
texts(the array of strings), obligatory: This field will pass the text you want to display on the button in different languages.

The Merchant user can access this feature on the account details page of your banking app.

Please note that it is important to make sure that the workflow application you are redirecting to is installed for the Customer. If the application is not installed, the button will not be shown.