Notifications API
The Toqio Notifications API is a versatile solution designed to streamline the creation, management, and integration of notifications within Toqio platforms and diverse custom workflow (WF) solutions.
Leverage this powerful tool to create tailored notification experiences that meet unique business requirements and enhance the overall value of your financial solutions.
With its custom integration capabilities and support for multiple notification types, the Toqio Notification API reduces implementation time and complexity for integrators.
Explore new use cases and create innovative solutions to address the evolving needs of the financial industry.
- Seamlessly incorporate notifications across Toqio platforms, including the SME platform, admin portal, and apps.
- Set up and send notifications to merchants and admin users when required, benefiting from the flexibility and customisation possibilities offered by the Toqio system.
- Save development time for system integrators while fully customizable content allows for more tailored user journeys in your solutions.
API Overview
The Toqio Notifications API supports three types of notifications:
Push Notifications: Send notifications to mobile devices, ensuring users receive updates and alerts instantly.
Notification Center Notifications: Display notifications in the Notification Center within the SME platform on web and app, as well as the Admin Portal, to keep users informed across various touchpoints.
Email Notifications: Send notifications directly to users' email inboxes for effective communication and engagement.
Notification Content Capabilities
Customisable Messages: Define the text content of notifications to suit specific requirements and use cases
Personalisation: Include personalised user information within notification content
Multi-Language Support: Send notifications in different languages
Integration Parameter - API Key Name
When using the Send Custom Notifications endpoint you will need to pass the integration parameter. The integration parameter is the API key name which is a unique identifier used in the Toqio system to recognize a specific integration or connector. It can be an existing, validated integration with a preconfigured API key, or a new integration requiring a new API key and key name in our system.
Existing Connector
If you're using an existing Connector, no new API key setup is needed, as it will already have an authorised connection to Toqio.
New Notification Service Integration Setup
For new integrations, follow these steps:
1.Provide us with the URL for the environment where Toqio can send requests to your notification service integration.
2.Our delivery team will issue an API key, sent in the 'x-api-key' header, enabling you to validate the request's origin from Toqio, and an API key name to be used in the Send Custom Notifications endpoint.
3.Once our delivery team confirms completion, you'll gain access to our Public API, allowing you to use our Send Notifications endpoint.