Redirecting Users to Specific Screens with Toqio Notifications API
When configuring custom notifications through the Toqio Notifications API, you can specify a target screen for the recipient user to land on when they interact with the notification.
This feature applies to user center notifications on the SME web and SME app, user center notifications within the admin portal, and push notifications on the SME app.
Using Target Screens
To redirect users to a specific screen, use the targetScreen value in your notification setup.
For some screens, you may need to provide additional parameters (such as cardID for a card details screen) to ensure the correct redirect.
For example, if you want to redirect a user to a particular card screen, set the targetScreen to CARD_DETAILS and include the cardID parameter to identify the specific card.
Targeting Workflow Application Screens
To direct users to a specific screen within your custom workflow application, you will need to provide two additional parameters:
marketplaceKey: A unique identifier for your custom workflow application. You can find this key on the app's details page (Slug URL) in the Configuration platform or by copying it from the app's URL when the app is installed for your customer.
extraUrl: Allows you to direct users to a particular page within your workflow app. To obtain the extraUrl, open the desired page of your installed workflow app and copy the navigation part of the URL (/your-slug-url#/your-extra-url).
Target screens in Toqio Platforms
SME web and app
The following screens can be used as target screens for user center notifications and push notifications within the SME web and app environment:
MY_EXPENSES: Displays a user's expenses.
- This screen is only available for users who have permission VIEW_MY_EXPENSES
NEW_CARD: Allows users to apply for a new card.
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have permission ISSUE_COMPANY_CARDS
LEDGER_DETAILS: Shows detailed information about a specific ledger.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the accountId in the request
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have permission VIEW_COMPANY_ACCOUNTS
TRANSACTION_DETAILS: Shows detailed information about a specific transaction.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the transactionId in the request
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have the permissions VIEW_MY_EXPENSES, VIEW_COMPANY_EXPENSES, ISSUE_PAYMENT
KYB: Allows users to verify their business information and identity for Know Your Business (KYB) purposes.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the complianceProvider in the request. This will be the Compliance Provider used for your Customer’s compliance process.
- Applicable to users of registered companies who access the index of the Compliance process.
- Currently compatible only with TruNarrative as the compliance provider and Toqio's default KYB process.
- Only available for users with onboarding status pendingMultiComplianceProcess: true, i.e. not accessible if the KYB process has already been completed
KYC: Allows users to verify their personal information and identity for Know Your Customer (KYC) purposes.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the complianceProvider in the request. This will be the Compliance Provider used for your Customer’s compliance process.
- Applicable to sole traders (individual users) who need to verify their identity and personal information.
- Cannot be used for company accounts or business verification purposes (refer to KYB for business verification).
- Only available for users with onboarding status pendingMultiComplianceProcess: true, i.e. not available if the KYC process has been completed.
- Compatible with TruNarrative as the compliance provider.
TEAM_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS: Displays employee information of a particular employee
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the userId in the request
to identify an employee
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have permission VIEW_EMPLOYEE_LIST
CARD_DETAILS: Displays detailed information about a specific card of the recipient
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the cardId in the request
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have permission VIEW_MY_CARDS, VIEW_COMPANY_CARDS
DASHBOARD: Shows a general overview of user account information.
- Applicable only for users who are utilising Toqio's default landing page.
PLUGIN: Allows users to land on a page with a particular installed plugin
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the pluginId in the request
EMPLOYEE_CARD_LIST: Shows all cards of the notification’s recipient in the section “My cards”
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have both permissions enabled VIEW_MY_CARDS and VIEW_COMPANY_CARDS
COMPANY_SETTINGS_DETAILS: Displays company-specific settings.
- This screen is only available for users who have permission EDIT_COMPANY_SETTINGS
BENEFICIARY_DETAILS: Displays detailed information about a specific beneficiary.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the beneficiaryId in the request
- This screen is only available for users who onboarding status is finishedMultiComplianceProcess and have permission ISSUE_TRANSFER
Admin Portal
Within the Admin Portal environment, the following screens can be utilised for web user center notifications:
CUSTOMERS: The home screen of the admin portal
TRANSACTIONS: Provides records of all transactions related to a Customer
TRANSACTION_DETAILS: Displays specific information related to an individual transaction
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the transactionId in the request
MANDATE_DETAILS: Shows comprehensive data for a particular mandate
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the mandateId and accountId in the request
CARD_DETAILS: Presents details of a specific card
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the customerId, clientId and cardId in the request
CLIENTS: Presents all clients
TEAM_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS: Provides in-depth information about a specific employee. It will include user's cards, expenses, payments and login history.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the clientId and userId in the request
CLIENT_INFO: Shows a client's data - accounts, users, expenses, payments, cards, compliance and payees.
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the clientId in the request
PAYEE_DETAILS: Displays specific data about a payee
Requires additional parameter: You will need to send the clientId and payeeId in the request
How to retrieve onboarding status for a User
Onboarding status can be retrieved using the Get User Endpoint. It is passed in the response as "onboardingStatus": "string".
How to retrieve permissions for a User
Permissions per user can be retrieved using Get User Endpoint. It is passed in the response as "userPermissions": "string".