Configure custom texts for banking apps

When using Toqio banking apps (ledger apps) you may consider customising some texts in the app you intend to use.

We provide endpoints that enable you to use custom text for some app text fields, for example fields like App title and “New account” button text (the button responsible for the account creation process). The endpoints allow you to send custom texts with translations.

To retrieve the current custom texts of an app you can use the Get Custom Ledger App Texts endpoint.
As a result you will receive the texts in the same format you will need to use to create or update them, so it’s advisable to use this endpoint prior to the next ones.

Path Params you will need:
customerId (Path Variable): The ID of the customer.
marketplaceKey (Path Variable): The marketplace key of the app you want to customise

The response will be in the following format:
marketplaceKey : The marketplace key of the app you want to customise

texts: Maps the texts available for customisation and their translations.

An example of the response received would be:

  "marketplaceKey": "regular",  
   "texts": {  
       "newAccountButton": {  
           "en": "testNewAccountButton",  
           "es": "testBotonNuevaCuenta",  
           "zh": null  
       "appTitle": {  
           "en": "demoAppTitle",  
           "es": "testTituloApp",  
           "zh": null  

To update custom texts for an app you can use the Update Custom Ledger App Texts endpoint.