Onboarding email types

Onboarding email types

The email type is used to invite a new company to the platform with their compliance requirements overridden. A Customer admin user is inviting a company to join the platform as a merchant company via admin portal or it can be achieved by a public onboarding link. This email serves as an invitation for the company to join the platform.

Recipient: New company prospects

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
adminName: The name of the administrator who initiated the invitation
name: The name of the recipient who is being invited to join the platform with overridden compliance.
linkUrl: The unique URL that directs the user to the page where they can sign up and complete the onboarding process with overridden compliance. Please note that it expires within 48 hours.


The email type is used when a merchant is inviting a new user to join their team via SME platform. It serves as an invitation to join the platform and set up the credentials.

Recipient: New user prospects

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised if needed
invitedBy: The name of the person who initiated the invitation to join the platform
companyName: The name of the company inviting the user
linkUrl: The unique URL that directs the user to the page where they can set up their account credentials and access the platform.


The email type notifies Customer's admin users when a client or merchant company lead registers on the platform, providing a direct link to the lead's details in the admin portal for efficient management and follow-up. It is triggered together with INVITE_COMPANY_OVERRIDE_COMPLIANCE email type via a public pre-registration link.

Recipient: Customer Admin User

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
companyName: The name of the company that has signed up for the platform.
linkUrl: The URL directing the user to the admin portal to show the details of the client’s (merchant’s) company which performed the registration.


The INVITE_COMPANY email type serves as an invitation for the user to join the platform under the standard compliance requirements.
Customer Admin invites a new Client to join the platform via the Admin portal and the Client receives an email invitation to set up the company profile.

Recipient: New user prospects

subject: The subject line of the email, which can be customised
adminName: The name of the administrator who initiated the standard invitation.
name: The name of the recipient who is being invited to join the platform with standard compliance requirements.
customer: The name of the Customer which account the user is being invited to join
linkUrl: The unique URL that directs the user to the page where they can sign up and complete the onboarding process with standard compliance.