V2.2.0 - Goldwasser
8 months ago by Toqio's Product Team
New "visible" Query Parameter for getBeneficiaries Endpoint
We have introduced a new query parameter visible to the getBeneficiaries endpoint (https://api.sandbox.toq.io/wallet/api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/beneficiaries), allowing more granular control over the list of beneficiaries returned.
The visible parameter filters beneficiaries based on their visibility status:
- If set to TRUE, only visible beneficiaries are returned.
- If set to FALSE, only hidden beneficiaries are returned.
- If set to ALL, all beneficiaries, both visible and hidden, are returned.
- If the parameter is left empty, only visible beneficiaries are returned by default.
This new feature enhances the flexibility of our API, making it easier for you to manage and retrieve beneficiary data according to your needs.